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Set up an electronic investigation system of aviation noise monitoring data

After settled down the noise monitoring net of 16 airports, each airport has to report the noise monitoring data to local government periodically. But limited to the personal supply, technology convey, the local government dose not actually use and analyst those data, but just as a reference when rearrange the noise regulation area each two years. Also because the loose administrative judgment, levels of noise regulation area can not reflect the real volume of noise contour. This project estimates the possibility of using GPS to divide aviation noise regulation area. About map resolution, road, water road can be the standard for arranging the edge of regulation area. Depend on amending drafts of aviation noise control to strengthen the division of aviation noise regulation area, monitoring data investigation system, and responsibility of improving airport noise resource. This project set up an electronic investigation system of aviation noise monitoring data, can save the men hour and cost on examination for local government, and higher the correct of examination. Technical terms of noise are also edited to be referenced.
GPS、GIS、Control Zone For Airport Noise